Cross-Cultural Misinterpretations in Social Information Processing within British-Chinese Context

  • Mingjie Liu Ningxia University
Article ID: 2988
Keywords: Cross-cultural Communication Regional cultures Social Information Processing Process


Cross-cultural communication refers to people from different cultural backgrounds interacting with each other for informative purpose . Based on this understanding,this essay explores the misunderstanding types and mechanisms of formation in British-Chinese context .Furthermore, this essay takes social information processing theory as analytical lens, discusses two influential factors and their roles played in generating misunderstandings: cognitive biases and regional cultures. The degree of influence of regional culture on social information processing leads to different cognitive biases, and the types of misunderstanding are divided into two extremes: positive misunderstandings and serious offenses; Innocuous misunderstandings are intermediate between positive misunderstandings and serious offenses, playing a transitional role between the poles.
How to Cite
Liu, M. (2022). Cross-Cultural Misinterpretations in Social Information Processing within British-Chinese Context. Learning & Education, 10(7), 155-156.


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