An Analysis on the Metaphor of English and Chinese Kinship Terms——a Comparative Study Based on Corpus

  • Xiaomin Zang The Hi-Tech College of Xi’an University of Technology
Article ID: 2974
Keywords: Kinship terms, Metaphor, Comparative study, Corpus


Kinship terms has both similarities and differences in English and Chinese cultures, which is also same with the metaphorical use of kinship terms. This paper applies the Conceptual Metaphor Theory to analyze the metaphorical use of kinship terms in English and Chinese. The reasons cause these similarities and differences will also be explored This paper aims to help the English and Chinese learners better use the kinship terms in communication in order to reduce the misunderstanding.
How to Cite
Zang, X. (2022). An Analysis on the Metaphor of English and Chinese Kinship Terms——a Comparative Study Based on Corpus. Learning & Education, 10(7), 127-128.


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