Influencing Factors of Mobile Autonomous Learning and Mobile Self-Efficacy Among Law Atudents in Xi’an

  • Wenjuan Yuan Malaysia University of Science and Technology;Northwest University of Political Science and Law
  • Tong Chow Malaysia University of Science and Technology
Article ID: 2972
Keywords: Mediating effects, Autonomous learning, Influencing factors, Self-efficacy


Although abundant literature can be found on autonomous learning, there is limited literature available for law major undergraduates’ autonomous learning in Chinese context. The main purpose of this study is to examine factors influencing university law undergraduates’ autonomous learning in mobile learning environment in Xi’an, China, taking into consideration of mobile self-efficacy. The data collected from the survey is put into SPSS 23.0, which is used to calculate descriptive as well as inferential statistical measures. The results denote that the four independent variables, namely Motivation, Learning Strategy, Goal Orientation, Teacher Support all have positive impacts of Autonomous Learning. The mediating test of Mobile Self-efficacy proves that Mobile Self-efficacy acts as a mediator in the relationships between Learning Strategy and Autonomous Learning, Goal Orientation and Autonomous Learning, Teacher Support and Autonomous Learning.
How to Cite
Yuan, W., & Chow, T. (2022). Influencing Factors of Mobile Autonomous Learning and Mobile Self-Efficacy Among Law Atudents in Xi’an. Learning & Education, 10(7), 123-124.


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