On the Economic Development of China’s Football Industry From the Perspective of News Media

  • Biao Jin Beijing University of Technology School of Economics and Management
Article ID: 2970
Keywords: News Media, Football Industry, Economic Development Sane Proposal


With the rapid development of the Internet, the influence of news media on people is becoming stronger and stronger, and has become the first pillar affecting the development of football industry. The introduction of professional football by news media can promote the prosperity of China’s football market, stimulate people’s sports enthusiasm, and make an important contribution to the professional development of China’s football. On the other hand, the football industry can achieve extensive publicity through the news media, which can also attract more and more audiences for the news media and increase the ratings.
How to Cite
Jin, B. (2022). On the Economic Development of China’s Football Industry From the Perspective of News Media. Learning & Education, 10(7), 119-120. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i7.2970


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