Enterprise Financial Risk Control

  • Hong Li Guizhou University of Finance and Economics
Article ID: 2966
Keywords: Enterprise, Financial risk, Direct Financing, Indirect Financing, Corporate Governance


In recent years, my country’s enterprises have developed rapidly and have become an important force in my country’s national economic and social development. However, many star companies have only been in decline for 10 years. Among the reasons for the decline of these companies, the poor control of corporate financial risks is one of the most important factors. Since the financial risks faced by the enterprise are closely related to the sustainable survival and healthy development of the enterprise, it is necessary to carefully study the subjective and objective causes of financial risks, and explore a set of effective risk management strategies, which are of great significance to the sustainable survival and healthy development of the enterprise. special meaning.
How to Cite
Li, H. (2022). Enterprise Financial Risk Control. Learning & Education, 10(7), 111-112. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i7.2966


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