Research on Optimal Strategy Scheme based on Neural Network Prediction Model

  • Shuo Zhang School of Business, Jiangnan University
  • Junan Zhu School of Science, Jiangnan University
  • Xuan Qiu School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University
Article ID: 2961
Keywords: Quantitative Investment, Neural Network Model, CBB Strategy


This paper focuses on the investment plan with the maximum return around the fluctuation of the stock market. First of all, this paper is based on the neural network model price trend line, and then uses the reverse Bollinger band strategy (CBB model). We calculate the error of the price forecast, draw the residual diagram, and find that the error level of the prediction is within an acceptable range. The model in this paper has strong expansibility and good robustness. Finally, we summarize the strategies and results of the model.
How to Cite
Zhang, S., Zhu, J., & Qiu, X. (2022). Research on Optimal Strategy Scheme based on Neural Network Prediction Model. Learning & Education, 10(7), 95-98.


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