An Analysis of Stimulating Students’ English Learning Interest of Junior Middle school in Flipped Classroom under “Double Reduction” Policy

  • Yingqian Su YiLi Normal University
Article ID: 2948
Keywords: Flipped classroom, “Double Reduction”Policy, Training institution


Presently, students have much burden of their homework in school, which reduces student’s motivation to learn English. So, the “Double Reduction†Policy is launched according to people’s appeal. And with the rapid development of national education, English is a part of student’s compulsory courses to learn and also the second language for us, most of students think that it is tough to learn at the beginning of it. They are not interested in learning it gradually. As of the new national curriculum reform, the traditional teaching method is no longer adapted to the needs of classroom. So, the new teaching model occurs according to teaching needs, which is “Flipped Classroom†model. After several demonstrations, it can be turned out this model can save student’s much time and improve their efficiency in acquiring knowledge. At the same time, they can learn and use English freely. This model swaps the role of classroom and actually motivates learning interest for junior middle school students, it lets students become the center of it rather than teachers and also gives students many valuable opportunities to perform themselves.
How to Cite
Su, Y. (2022). An Analysis of Stimulating Students’ English Learning Interest of Junior Middle school in Flipped Classroom under “Double Reduction” Policy. Learning & Education, 10(7), 51-54.


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