Online and Offline Theoretical and Practical Teaching Reform for Automotive Professions

  • Chunmei Chen Shandong Institute of Transportation Engineering
Article ID: 2885
Keywords: Automotive professionsï¼›Theory and practiceï¼›Online and offline education


Online teaching makes the teaching work of higher education institutions of automotive profession meet new development opportunities and challenges, especially after the occurrence of the COVID-19, major campuses generally use the Internet to complete teaching work. How to strengthen theoretical teaching and practical teaching plays a key role. The teaching work of automotive majors requires students to have high practical ability. The key to innovation in the teaching process lies in the effective integration of theoretical foundation and practical ability. The essay elaborates on the theoretical foundation and practice based on the online and offline automotive professions, in hope of providing reference for the teaching process of them.
How to Cite
Chen, C. (2022). Online and Offline Theoretical and Practical Teaching Reform for Automotive Professions. Learning & Education, 10(6), 235-236.


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