Construction of School-enterprise Integration of Electrical Engineering and Its Automation Professional Employment and Practice Base

  • Yiran Jiang Baoding University of Technology
  • Xinwei Kou Baoding University of Technology
  • Shuo Wang Baoding University of Technology
  • Xinyu Wang Baoding University of Technology
Article ID: 2866
Keywords: School-enterprise integration, Electrical engineering and automation professional employment, Internship base construction


In the construction of modern electrical engineering and its automation major, through the integration of modern engineering education certification and management, strengthen coordination and unity, pay attention to school-enterprise integration, so that the current school education and training can meet the professional teaching requirements.By strengthening the construction of employment and practice base for electrical engineering and its automation major, a good education and management atmosphere will be formed.Through the teaching mode of school-enterprise cooperation, through the establishment of training base, cultivate the overall comprehensive ability of electrical engineering and automation.Participate in the construction ideas of the practical training base, so as to plan the scientific research of the whole practical training construction.Pay attention to practical activities, improve students’ work experience, in the follow-up project construction process, can vigorously promote the construction and development of information technology.
How to Cite
Jiang, Y., Kou, X., Wang, S., & Wang, X. (2022). Construction of School-enterprise Integration of Electrical Engineering and Its Automation Professional Employment and Practice Base. Learning & Education, 10(6), 197-198.


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