Determination of Air Leakage of Auxiliary Ventilation Ducting Sys- tem in VANG DANH Underground Mine

  • Phuongthao Dang Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
  • Vanduyen Bui Hong Cam College of Technology
Article ID: 2857
Keywords: Air leakage, Auxiliary ventilation, Duct, Working face, Ventilation efficiency, Operating costs


Air leakage of air movement through the ducting system in underground mine is an important factor in ensuring the efficiency of ventilation during mining roadways being driven in mine. This value plays an important role in the reasonable design of auxiliary ventilation as well as in the energy cost in the mine. Experimental data of the duct air leakage are made on 0.8 m diameter ducts over sections of ducts installing towards the working face in Vang Danh mine. Determination of the air leakage in ducting system have been undertaken.
How to Cite
Dang, P., & Bui, V. (2022). Determination of Air Leakage of Auxiliary Ventilation Ducting Sys- tem in VANG DANH Underground Mine. Learning & Education, 10(6), 179-180.


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