Ecological Environment Analysis of Saihanba Artificial Forest Farm Based on Weighted TOPSIS

  • Bobo Liu North China University of Science and Technology
  • Xiangyu Lan North China University of Science and Technology
  • Haochen Huang North China University of Science and Technology
Article ID: 2849
Keywords: Weighted TOPSIS, Entropy weight method


After more than half a century of transformation, Saihanba artificial forest farm has become the largest artificial forest in the world, which has made great contributions to the overall coordinated development of China's ecological civilization and the construction of ecological civilization system. In this paper, the function of artificial forest farm is quantitatively analyzed and evaluated by establishing environmental assessment model.
How to Cite
Liu, B., Lan, X., & Huang, H. (2022). Ecological Environment Analysis of Saihanba Artificial Forest Farm Based on Weighted TOPSIS. Learning & Education, 10(6), 163-164.


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