The Influence of the Zhuang Nationality Buluotuo Culture on the Art of its Residential Architectures

  • Yingfei Sun Geely College
Article ID: 2842
Keywords: The Buluotuo Culture of Zhuang nationality, Art in Residential Architectures, Impact Analysis


As the largest minority nationality in China, Zhuang nationality has a long and splendid history and culture. In addition, in the course of historical development, the Zhuang nationality has created a variety of traditional and national cultures for China. Therefore, this paper mainly summarizes the Buluotuo culture of Zhuang nationality, and analyzes the influence of the Zhuang nationality Buluotuo culture on the art in residential architectures.
How to Cite
Sun, Y. (2022). The Influence of the Zhuang Nationality Buluotuo Culture on the Art of its Residential Architectures. Learning & Education, 10(6), 149-150.


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