Network Security Protection in Computer Application

  • Quan Liu Information Network Center, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
Article ID: 2837
Keywords: Computer Application, Network Security, Protection


In today’s information age, people rely more and more on computer networks.But the network security of computers is still likely to expose users’ personal information, which is likely to cause economic losses, and even affect corporate and national development.Therefore, with the development of The Times, it becomes more and more important to take network security measures combined with the actual situation of computer application.Computer technicians should strengthen the analysis of computer network security problems, help people to solve the problem of data and personal information leakage in the network environment, and formulate perfect solutions according to the specific situation.This article discusses the network security protection in computer application.
How to Cite
Liu, Q. (2022). Network Security Protection in Computer Application. Learning & Education, 10(6), 139-140.


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