The Influencing Mechanism of Luzhou Real Estate Corporate Culture on Employees’ Job Satisfaction

  • Ruixue Deng North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2832
Keywords: Influence Mechanism, Real Estate Corporate Culture, Employee Job Satisfaction


In China’s current economic development environment, real estate companies have become an essential part of China’s economy. They were the backbone of China’s economy and provided countless employment opportunities for thousands of employees. With the development and growth of real estate companies in Luzhou City, employees’ job satisfaction in real estate companies has also received more attention. This article studied the employees of real estate companies in Luzhou City as the target audience, investigated their job satisfaction and the impact of corporate culture on job satisfaction, extended the aspect of corporate culture under the concept of employee satisfaction, and classified corporate culture participation, adaptability, consistency, and organizational identity as the four major study dimensions.
How to Cite
Deng, R. (2022). The Influencing Mechanism of Luzhou Real Estate Corporate Culture on Employees’ Job Satisfaction. Learning & Education, 10(6), 129-130.


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