Impact of Irrational Consumption Intention on the Usage of Sanitizing Products during COVID-19 in Guiyang

  • Zhaoxu Tan North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2828
Keywords: Irrational Consumption Pattern, Usage of Sanitizing Products, COVID-19


This paper used literature research methods, questionnaire survey, and quantitative analysis methods to explore the mechanism of consumers’ irrational consumption intention in buying sanitizing products under public health incidents. Using the theoretical basis of irrational consumption behavior and SPSS analysis, analyzed the relationship between demography, consumption intentions, behavior attitudes, and risk perceptions based on the list of influencing variables of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, time cost, economic cost, and product quality associating with attitudes and risk factor.
How to Cite
Tan, Z. (2022). Impact of Irrational Consumption Intention on the Usage of Sanitizing Products during COVID-19 in Guiyang. Learning & Education, 10(6), 121-122.


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