The Impact of Hainan Free Trade Port’s Tax-Free Shopping Policy on Tourists’ Shopping Behavior
At present, tourists’ shopping behavior has become a hot topic in academic research and market management. This research studied the influencing factors of tourists’ shopping behavior selection behavior from the consumer behavior perspective. It opened up a new idea for future research on tourists’ shopping behavior decision-making. This research consisted of three parts: literature review, empirical research, and discussion of the Hainan Free Trade Port’s tax-free shopping policy. In the literature review part, this research discussed the research methods of consumer behavior, the theory and model of tourist shopping behavior, and its influence on consumers in the past with the factors of tourist shopping behavior selection behavior were reviewed. Five independent variables of attractive policy approach, the credibility of policy approach, advertising approach, product selection, cost-saving, and tourist attitude were set to test their relationship with the tourist shopping intention.References
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