An Exploratory Study on the Influencing Factors of Chengdu Audiences in Theme Movie Watching Intention

  • Yang Wang North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2820
Keywords: Influencing Factor, Chengdu Audience, Theme Movies


The main theme film represents a film work promoting the main theme of the culture, idea, and imagination. It should satisfy the audio-visual senses and aesthetic taste from an artistic point of view and carry a reflection on the value. The critical function of ideology and guiding social value orientation through the content of film theme. This paper analyzed the influencing factors of audience movie-watching intention. Three hypotheses were set for testing the rest based on the theatrical performance of the main theme, the narrative of the main theme, and the box office performance of the main theme to Chengdu audience theme movie watching intention. The results also provide the conclusion to reflect the current strategies in theme movie promotion in the Chengdu area.
How to Cite
Wang, Y. (2022). An Exploratory Study on the Influencing Factors of Chengdu Audiences in Theme Movie Watching Intention. Learning & Education, 10(6), 105-106.


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