The Influence of Internet Celebrity Women Clothing Brand Content Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intention in Southwest China

  • Qinling Yang North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2819
Keywords: Internet Celebrity, Content Marketing, Customer Intention


With the rapid development of the Internet, the Internet celebrity economy has gradually formed, and the Internet celebrity brand has become an important part of e-commerce. This research attempted to study the relationship between the content marketing of Internet celebrity brands and consumers’ purchase intentions and provide a series of marketing strategies for the longterm development of Internet celebrity brands. The three research objectives of this study were to investigate the content marketing of internet celebrity women’s clothing brands affecting purchase intention in Southwest China, to analyze the influencing factors of instrumental interaction, interpersonal interaction, information content, entertainment content, emotional content, and product involvement relating to customer purchase intention.
How to Cite
Yang, Q. (2022). The Influence of Internet Celebrity Women Clothing Brand Content Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intention in Southwest China. Learning & Education, 10(6), 103-104.


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