An Analysis of the Influence of the New National Accounting System on Guizhou Higher Education Financial Learning

  • Xu Li North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2815
Keywords: New National Accounting System, Guizhou Higher Education, Financial Learning


After the promulgation and implementation of the national accounting system, the financial industry’s requirements for financial professionals had developed in a standardized, institutionalized, scientific, and systematic direction, and the management and application strategies. Based on the interpretation of the new national accounting system, the learning objectives and learning methods were re-established to cope with the latest financial environment under the new national accounting system. They improved the financial learning effect of colleges and universities. This study raised three research objectives: understanding the academic standard of the new national accounting system, learning the practice of student learning attitudes, and suggesting knowledge advancement for Guizhou accounting and financial students.


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How to Cite
Li, X. (2022). An Analysis of the Influence of the New National Accounting System on Guizhou Higher Education Financial Learning. Learning & Education, 10(6), 95-96.