The Online Shopping Influencing Factors of Micronet Mode on Guiyang Consumers’ Buying Behavior

  • Zhi Wen North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2814
Keywords: Online Shopping Influencing Factors, Micronet Mode, Consumer Buying Behavior


The rise of targeted business, a unique financial market, has brought great convenience to consumers’ production and life and created good opportunities and conditions for entrepreneurs. Consumers believed and selected Micronet mode as a new shopping mode, which would be the key to the continued vitality of the online shopping market. The research objectives of this paper were the study of influencing factors affecting online shopping buying behavior through Micronet mode, investigation of influencing factors of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, and customer social interaction, and the degree of influencing factors on purchase intention to consumer purchase behavior.
How to Cite
Wen, Z. (2022). The Online Shopping Influencing Factors of Micronet Mode on Guiyang Consumers’ Buying Behavior. Learning & Education, 10(6), 93-94.


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