The Impact of Time-Honored Food Through Experiential Marketing on Leisure Tourist Loyalty

  • Sha Peng North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2813
Keywords: Time-Honored Food, Experiential Market, Leisure Tourist Loyalty


This article took the experience marketing of time-honored food companies in Guizhou Province as a case. The current situation and methods of experience marketing of major time-honored food companies in Guizhou Province were counted through descriptive statistical methods. Three research objectives were set for this paper, including investigating the current trend of the time-honored food market, analyzing purchase intention through the promotion of experiential marketing, and proposing appropriate concepts and policies for improving the time-honored food market in Guizhou.
How to Cite
Peng, S. (2022). The Impact of Time-Honored Food Through Experiential Marketing on Leisure Tourist Loyalty. Learning & Education, 10(6), 91-92.


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