Strategic Views of Hong Kong SMEs Responding to the Post-COVID Recovery

  • Mong Watt North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2806
Keywords: Strategic View, Hong Kong SME, Post-COVID Recovery


The health crisis caused by the current pandemic has been of such magnitude that the drop-off in economic and business activities in Hong Kong is generating an economic and social crisis with consequences that are not easy to measure and recover. This study analyses the origins and evolution of the coronavirus pandemic. It reviews the literature related to the impacts and recovery strategies that will improve the local economy, especially in SME and entrepreneurship policy measures implemented during the post-stage of pandemic crisis. This paper also formulates a practical approach to help management decisions addressing three challenges: First, to continue support measures to the current situation of COVID effect; second, to measure the potential strengthening of SMEs in dealing with COVID; and third, to introduce effective and practical strategic policies that foster SME recovery.
How to Cite
Watt, M. (2022). Strategic Views of Hong Kong SMEs Responding to the Post-COVID Recovery. Learning & Education, 10(6), 77-78.


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