Exploration on the Concrete Path of Classroom Teaching Reform of

  • Ning Zhang Shi He Zi University
Article ID: 2804
Keywords: New media, Introduction to course, The teaching reform


In today's society, science and technology is becoming more and more developed, information technology is becoming more and more mature, with the maturity and development of basic conditions, a variety of new media is also slowly developing and growing. Nowadays, all walks of life have begun to widely use new media for publicity and management, and new media has gradually penetrated into the education industry. The main content of this paper is to discuss the significance of applying new media teaching methods in the introduction course, and how to reform and innovate the classroom teaching of the introduction course under the background of new media.
How to Cite
Zhang, N. (2022). Exploration on the Concrete Path of Classroom Teaching Reform of. Learning & Education, 10(6), 73-74. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i6.2804


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