Study of Factors of Internet Financial ServicesInfluencing the Satisfactory Level of Sichuan Consumer Expectation

  • Chuanshu Ding North Bangkok University
Article ID: 2798
Keywords: B2C Marketing Strategy, Word-of-Mouth Promotion, Consumer Purchase Intention


Internet consumer finance refers to an emerging consumer finance model that relies on Internet information technology. Traditional consumer finance mainly focused on mortgage products such as mortgages and car loans, and users were primarily high-quality customers of banks. In contrast, internet consumer finance solved the financial consumption needs of everyone. This research study combined the technology acceptance model, the expected confirmation degree model, and related theories to construct a theoretical model of the factors affecting the satisfaction of Chinese residents using Internet consumer finance in Sichuan. The unique attributes of Internet consumer finance have been fully considered. Three characteristics of perceived risk, system quality, and service quality were added to construct the theoretical model with consistent results.
How to Cite
Ding, C. (2022). Study of Factors of Internet Financial ServicesInfluencing the Satisfactory Level of Sichuan Consumer Expectation. Learning & Education, 10(6), 61-62.


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