Study on Rural Water Pollution Management in Honghu City from the Perspective of “Two Mountains” Theory

  • Shizhen Liao College of Urban Construction, Yangtze University
  • Jun Wu College of Urban Construction, Yangtze University
Article ID: 2796
Keywords: “Two Mountains” Theory;Water Environment;Honghu City;Governance measures


With the rapid development of social economy and the increasing improvement of farmers’ living standards, many problems have emerged, among which rural water pollution is particularly prominent,restricting the sustainable development of rural social economy and threatening the life of rural residents. In this paper, we analyze the causes of rural water pollution from different aspects such as production, life, management and system through field research in Honghu City. The countermeasuresare proposed to provide scientific and feasible guidance for the improvement of rural water environment management in Honghu city.
How to Cite
Liao, S., & Wu, J. (2022). Study on Rural Water Pollution Management in Honghu City from the Perspective of “Two Mountains” Theory. Learning & Education, 10(6), 55-57.


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