Relationship Between Tourism and Economic Growth in Lishui City Based on Multiple Linear Regression

  • Lunfu Li Business School, Lishui University;Philippine Christian University
Article ID: 2793
Keywords: Multiple linear regression, Tourism industry, Economic development


A research method on the relationship between tourism and economic growth in Lishui City Based on multiple linear regression is proposed. Combined with multiple linear regression algorithm, the relationship between tourism industry and economic growth is evaluated and analyzed, and the impact index and management system of tourism industry economic development are constructed, Taking Lishui City as an example, it is confirmed that the proposed research method on the relationship between tourism and economic growth in Lishui City Based on multiple linear regression has high practicability, fully meets the research requirements, and can better guide the healthy and long-term development of regional tourism industry and economy.
How to Cite
Li, L. (2022). Relationship Between Tourism and Economic Growth in Lishui City Based on Multiple Linear Regression. Learning & Education, 10(6), 47-49.


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