Research on Rainfall Factors in Zhengzhou Based on Gray Correlation Analysis

  • Jianguang Xu Hebei University of Engineering
  • Canyu Guo Hebei University of Engineering
Article ID: 2790
Keywords: Rainfall factors, Gray correlation analysis, M-K mutation test


Firstly,the Pearson correlation coefficients between rainfall and other meteorological indicators were calculated in this paper,and significance tests were performed to determine whether they were correlated and the strength of the correlation. At the same time,considering the small data samples and the existence of data errors,gray correlation analysis can be used,and then the main effects of dew point,air temperature and wind speed on the variation of precipitation can be derived.The years 2003,2004,2016,and 2018 with high precipitation were screened out through M-K mutation test,cluster analysis based on the characteristics of total annual precipitation and number of days of rain during the year.
How to Cite
Xu, J., & Guo, C. (2022). Research on Rainfall Factors in Zhengzhou Based on Gray Correlation Analysis. Learning & Education, 10(6), 38-40.


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