Taking Qi Cultural Tourism as an Example to Analyze the Integrated Development of Culture and Tourism

  • Xiuli Liu The Department of Tourism Management, Zibo Vocational Institute
Article ID: 2789
Keywords: Qi Culture, Tourism, The integrated development of culture and tourism


Culture and tourism have a natural coupling relationship.They complement each other.How to deeply integrate them to achieve superimposed effects is a popular and important issue in the development of tourism.This article takes Qi cultural tourism as an example,analyzes the highlights and experiences in the development of Qi cultural tourism,and briefly expounds the significance,essence and effective measures of the integrated development of culture and tourism.
How to Cite
Liu, X. (2022). Taking Qi Cultural Tourism as an Example to Analyze the Integrated Development of Culture and Tourism. Learning & Education, 10(6), 35-37. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i6.2789


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