Final Project: Religious Holiday Celebration in the U.S. Public High Schools

  • Ziyu Mo Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Dr. White Teachers College, Columbia University
Article ID: 2785
Keywords: Religious Holidays Celebration, Public High Schools in the U.S., Ethical decision making model, Solutions To Ethical Problems in Schools (STEPS)


In U.S. public high schools, religious holidays that have vacation are mostly Christian holidays. Non-Christian holidays or holidays that are celebrated in other cultures or religions are not given days off in public schools. As a result, students and parents from other cultures or religions often face a dilemma between celebrating holidays from their own culture while missing school and skipping religious holidays while attending school. If students choose to celebrate holidays that are not given vacations, they often need to skip school for. Furthermore, absences yielded from celebrating non-Christian holidays are unexcused, which puts more pressure on students who want to celebrate important holidays from their cultures while not missing schoolwork. In this article, one case study is provided and this ethical dilemma will be analyzed by using the ethical decision making model name Solutions To Ethical Problems in Schools (STEPS).
How to Cite
Mo, Z., & White, D. (2022). Final Project: Religious Holiday Celebration in the U.S. Public High Schools. Learning & Education, 10(6), 22-24.


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