Research on Blended Teaching Cultivation for International Students

  • Shirong Cui Zibo Vocational College
Article ID: 2750
Keywords: International students, Blended teaching, Research


The outbreak of global epidemic has promoted the development of blended teaching model.Relying on the Internet,artificial intelligence and other new technologies,online and offline blended teaching is booming.As the largest destination country of international students in Asia,China’s education for international students should also follow the developmental direction of the world’s education and innovate educational and teaching models.Based on this,this paper studies the blended teaching and training mode for international students to createâ€First-class oursesâ€,improve the quality of education and teaching,attract more foreigners to study in China,cultivate more friendly people whoâ€know China,befriend China and love Chinaâ€and provide more support for the internationalized development of“the Belt and Roadâ€initiative.
How to Cite
Cui, S. (2022). Research on Blended Teaching Cultivation for International Students. Learning & Education, 10(5), 225-226.


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