Research on the Cultivation of College Students' Scientific Research and Innovation Ability

  • Guang Li ShanDong JiaoDong University
  • Ruirui Chen ShanDong JiaoDong University
Article ID: 2736
Keywords: Two universities of scientific research and innovation


The cultivation of innovative talents in secondary colleges and universities is one of the core tasks of the current reform and development of our society and country. The training of innovative ability plays a vital role in the cultivation of students' innovative thinking consciousness and practical ability. It plays an obvious role in promoting the educational concept, training mode, innovative atmosphere, improving the guiding role of relevant instructors, and establishing an efficient student scientific research team.
How to Cite
Li, G., & Chen, R. (2022). Research on the Cultivation of College Students’ Scientific Research and Innovation Ability. Learning & Education, 10(5), 197-198.


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