In Interpretation of Tickets, Please from Evolution and Sexual Selection Theory
D.H. Lawrence is one of the most controversial writers in English literature in the 20th century. He has been frequently criticized for his unfriendly treatment of female characters and a repulsion against Darwin’s theory. However, his view on women and Darwinism gradually changed and developed. This paper intends to explore this change of view from the reading of Lawrence’s short story Ticket, Please.References
[1] Breen, Judith. “D.H. Lawrence, World War I and the Battle between the Sexes: A Reading of The Blind Man and Tickets, Pleaseâ€. Women’s Studies, 1986, Vol, 12, pp. 63-74.
[2] Calder, Robert. “D.H. Lawrence and Survival: Darwinism in the Fiction of the Transitional Periodâ€. English Studies in Canada; Dec 2005; 31,4, pp. 220-224.
[3] Jacobson, Dan. “D.H. Lawrence and Modern Societyâ€, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 2, No. 2, Literature and Society (Apr., 1967), pp. 81-92.