Talking about How to Improve Learners’ Self-monitoring Ability with Practice

  • Xiaoyun Xiong Department of Educational Administration graduate school, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Dr Noichun Department of Educational Administration graduate school, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Article ID: 2717
Keywords: Learning, Self-monitoring ability, Learners


Self-monitoring refers to the psychological activities that students consciously and systematically monitor and evaluate in the learning process to adjust their thinking, cognition, feeling and behavior, so as to achieve their goals better and faster. Improving learners’ self-monitoring ability can more effectively achieve learning objectives, enhance learning ability and improve learning efficiency. Most of the students in vocational colleges are in adolescence. They generally have the characteristics of strong practical ability, many ideas, wide interests and hobbies, lack of achievement in cultural courses, lack of patience and lack of selfmonitoring ability. This paper will talk about how to help vocational college students improve their self-monitoring ability and help their study and life.
How to Cite
Xiong, X., & Noichun, D. (2022). Talking about How to Improve Learners’ Self-monitoring Ability with Practice. Learning & Education, 10(5), 159-160.


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