Modern Conceptual Home Design Based on Luban Lock Structure

  • Jingyang Sun School of Art Design, Qilu University of Technology
Article ID: 2695
Keywords: Luban lock structure, Structure combination, Innovation furniture


This paper combines Luban lock structure with modern home design, and designs a set of home design which can be combined and deconstructed manually by using Luban lock structure. The modern home designed in this paper can also be disassembled according to personal needs and hobbies, and assembled into a new product form, which improves the manipulative ability of modern people. At the same time, it also satisfies people’s psychological emotional needs and product interaction between people and things. The modern home designed in this paper can be displayed indoors or in public space as an ornament and sculpture on the basis of its original functions.
How to Cite
Sun, J. (2022). Modern Conceptual Home Design Based on Luban Lock Structure. Learning & Education, 10(5), 115-116.


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