BanInvestigation of Network Language From the Perspective of the Cooperative Principle

  • Yanjie Ma School of Foreign Studies, Chongqing Normal University
Article ID: 2694
Keywords: The Cooperative Principle, Network language, Violation


In this age of globalization, a brand new language mode -- network language was born aims to satisfy the effective communication among people of different regions. It has neither independent phonetic system nor complete set of grammar system and belongs to the nature of social dialect. This paper describes a detailed study of this new language from the perspective of cooperation principle, and indicate the violation of cooperation principle by network language using case analysis, so that people can better understand and use network language. Therefore, only through in-depth studies of the pragmatic principles guiding the use of Chinese network language, can we have a profound understanding of its essence and lay a good foundation for successful online communication.
How to Cite
Ma, Y. (2022). BanInvestigation of Network Language From the Perspective of the Cooperative Principle. Learning & Education, 10(5), 113-114.


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