Weighting the Forces Among Sister Carrie Under the Perspective of Naturalism

  • Zijin Yuan School of Foreign Language of South Central University for Nationalities
Article ID: 2692
Keywords: Sister Carrie, Naturalism, Darwinism, Social Darwinism


In the light of the novel Sister Carrie, the panorama of the whole American society skips the readers’ eyes, and the exhibition of the protagonists has exerted intense impact upon the cliche of the common readers. To probe deeply into the reasons, which shall lead to negative or positive forces upon the transformation of the protagonists, the analysis on each protagonist who is equipped with the characteristics of challenging the authority and stereotype is of great significance and necessity. Exactly by virtue of the choice of the theory Naturalism, the potential traits of the primitive animal shall be reflected by characters and further elucidated from several facets.
How to Cite
Yuan, Z. (2022). Weighting the Forces Among Sister Carrie Under the Perspective of Naturalism. Learning & Education, 10(5), 109-110. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i5.2692


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