Corporate Green Development Strategy Under the Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals

  • Suyu Wang Inner Mongolia Tobacco Company Hohhot City Company
Article ID: 2690
Keywords: Carbon peak and neutrality, Green development, Low-carbon developmental path


How can enterprises control energy consumption and carbon emissions within a reasonable range in their business activities while ensuring a certain amount of economic output, and achieve green and low-carbon products or services as much as possible in the R&D and production processes Innovation has become a key issue in the sustainable development of enterprises at this stage. To achieve carbon peak and neutrality targets, this paper analyzes the low-carbon development path of enterprises from the dimensions of resources, R&D, technology, products, and markets.
How to Cite
Wang, S. (2022). Corporate Green Development Strategy Under the Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals. Learning & Education, 10(5), 105-106.


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