Urban Image and Female Expression: The Symbolic Narrative Style of The Female Devil in Prada

  • Ying Liu Research Department Shanxi Institute of Media and Communication
  • Zhuying Lin Research Department Shanxi Institute of Media and Communication
Article ID: 2681
Keywords: Paternity, Movie Symbols, Feminism


With the promotion of women’s status and the awakening of female consciousness of independence, American chick flicks as a kind of commercial film with extremely large box office revenue, it is still unable to get rid of the shackles of the patriarchal in narrative and structure, but is getting close to the feminist film in terms of character shaping and film spiritual construction.This paper takes film semiotics and feminism as the analysis point of The Devil in Prada.
How to Cite
Liu, Y., & Lin, Z. (2022). Urban Image and Female Expression: The Symbolic Narrative Style of The Female Devil in Prada. Learning & Education, 10(5), 87-88. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i5.2681


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