How to Cultivate Junior High School Underachievers’ Interest in English Learning

  • Liangtian Xu Yunnan Normal University
  • Minghong Fu Yunnan Normal University
  • Jiayi Wang Yunnan Normal University
Article ID: 2676
Keywords: Underachievers, English learning, Interest, Cultivate


With the advent of a knowledge and education-based economy, the importance of English is becoming more and more obvious. As a foreign language, English language is not only a necessity of life, but also a universal language. As language teaching increases, Learning difficulties will become more and more serious, and the result deviation will further lead to the loss of interest in learning. What’s more, this leads to tiredness, even abandonment of learning, and Junior high school students are in a period of complex physiological and psychological changes. The English underachievers have some difficulties and obstacles in language learning. They often lack interest and enthusiasm in learning English. They cannot cooperate with teachers to actively participate in teaching activities in the classroom. In today’s advocating quality education, the education of underachievers has become the key to improve the whole teaching quality. Therefore, how to cultivate students’ interest in learning English has become the first major problem we should solve. This article specifically investigates the effects of their English learning, and how to stimulate students’ interest in learning English of factors, to help them overcome their difficulties, make progress, Finally out of the learning difficulties.
How to Cite
Xu, L., Fu, M., & Wang, J. (2022). How to Cultivate Junior High School Underachievers’ Interest in English Learning. Learning & Education, 10(5), 73-75.


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