Research on Improving the Quality of Practical Teaching in Applied Colleges and Universities

  • Cuixia Li College of Life Sciences and Enology, Taishan University
  • Xianhua Zhao College of Life Sciences and Enology, Taishan University
Article ID: 2671
Keywords: Applied university, Practical teaching, The quality of ascension


Practical teaching is the key teaching to improve students’ professional skills, and in China’s college education practice teaching strength is not up to standard, it is difficult to achieve the ideal teaching objectives, so how to improve the quality of practical teaching in application-oriented colleges and universities is particularly important, this paper analyzes and studies.
How to Cite
Li, C., & Zhao, X. (2022). Research on Improving the Quality of Practical Teaching in Applied Colleges and Universities. Learning & Education, 10(5), 58-60.


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