On Chinese Students’ English Pronunciation Problems and Countermeasures

  • Qinghua Xiao School of Foreign Languages, East China Jiaotong University
  • Ming Chen School of Foreign Languages, East China Jiaotong University
Article ID: 2659
Keywords: Phonetic learning, Chinese students, English pronunciation problems, Countermeasures


Phonetic learning is the foundation of foreign language study and it is critical for the development of foreign language proficiency. Many Chinese students have a poor command of English pronunciation, which often results in unintelligibility and even misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication. This paper will explore Chinese students’ pronunciation problems from segmental perspective and suprasegmental perspective, and propose effective countermeasures to cope with the problems.
How to Cite
Xiao, Q., & Chen, M. (2022). On Chinese Students’ English Pronunciation Problems and Countermeasures. Learning & Education, 10(5), 17-20. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i5.2659


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