Under the Background of "Internet +", Mixed Teaching Mode of Science in the Reform of Rural Medical Majors

  • Rong Hu Hunan University of Medicine,Medical College
  • Jianguo Jiang Hunan University of Medicine,Medical College
  • Lijun Chen Hunan University of Medicine,Medical College
  • Xiuman Li Hunan University of Medicine,Medical College
Article ID: 2348
Keywords: The Teaching Model Reform, Mixed teaching mode, Rural Medicine


With the construction of the network online course platform under the background of “Internet +â€, the mixed teaching [1] based on the background of “Internet +†came into being, and has been widely used in the daily teaching of full-time students, and proved its existence advantages. Rural medical majors have limited education degree, age gap, fixed time and other factors, so that students’ teaching methods and full-time undergraduate students cannot be rigid. As one of the most important clinical medical courses for rural doctors, science not only requires students to master theoretical knowledge, but also requires proficiency in basic clinical operation skills. Therefore, for this kind of students, we by building “Internet +†science online open course platform, to provide high quality science teaching resources, at the same time using online learning + offline flip classroom mixed teaching model, the “tailored†for rural medical students, build in line with their learning ability level and receive knowledge ability of new teaching mode[2].
How to Cite
Hu, R., Jiang, J., Chen, L., & Li, X. (2021). Under the Background of "Internet +", Mixed Teaching Mode of Science in the Reform of Rural Medical Majors. Learning & Education, 10(2), 254-256. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i2.2348


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