The Construction of Comprehensive Measurement Model for the Development Potential of Research Practice Education Base

  • Jie Du Zhejiang Normal University
  • Leijie Gong Zhejiang Normal University
  • Xin Weng Zhejiang Normal University
  • Yuanjun Ma Zhejiang Normal University
Article ID: 2343
Keywords: Research practice education base, Comprehensive measure, Polygon method, Weighted summation method, Jinhua lanxi


With the rapid development of research and study travel,the demand for research and study practical education bases and the requirements for their quality are also expanding and improving.To fill the blank in the research of evaluation studies the development of education bases and avoid studies blind in the process of practice education base to create the phenomenon such as reporting,quality the good and bad are intermingled,many elements of regional development at home and abroad,this paper,and study the multi-index comprehensive measure,from the resource(R),marketing(M),security(S),environment(E)four dimensions selected 20 indicators,Combined with the AHP analytic hierarchy process to determine the weight,the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to quantitatively assign the value index,constructed the polygon method and weighted average sum method of comprehensive measurement of the development potential of research practice education base,and Lanxi as a case of empirical research on the comprehensive measurement of the development potential of research practice education base.Results show that the constructed studies practice education base and development potential of comprehensive measure evaluation model can better reflect the base of the studies traveling development potential,and is the base of the research study practice education base development provides a certain theoretical foundation and the basis,to studies the practice education base case area and even the whole country development has exemplary role and promote the creation of meaning.
How to Cite
Du, J., Gong, L., Weng, X., & Ma, Y. (2021). The Construction of Comprehensive Measurement Model for the Development Potential of Research Practice Education Base. Learning & Education, 10(2), 243-244.


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