Analysis of Risk and Prevention Related to Asset

  • Yutang Chen Xi’an FANYI University
Article ID: 2333
Keywords: Assets, Assessment, Risk, Prevention


Asset appraisal occupies an important position in the market economy of cash. The legal compliance development of the asset appraisal business requires procedural work such as revising contracts and basic matters, making plans, conducting research and data collection so that businesses and other users of asset appraisal reports can obtain reliable appraisal reports. However, due to the impact of profit-seeking, institutional independence, report use beyond the scope, macroeconomic environmental fluctuations and other factors, asset appraisers may produce a lot of legal risks when conducting value evaluation and estimation activities, which will make enterprises, evaluation institutions and other asset appraisal participants bear certain civil liability and economic losses. Therefore, in order to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the asset appraisal industry, it is necessary to actively explore the preventive measures of various asset appraisal risks. This paper focuses on the connotation of asset assessment risk, discusses many problems in specific operation and how to effectively establish asset assessment risk prevention system.
How to Cite
Chen, Y. (2021). Analysis of Risk and Prevention Related to Asset. Learning & Education, 10(2), 215-218.


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