Discussion about the Application of Information Technology in Construction Project Management

  • Yixi Song China National Aviation Fuel Group Limited Chengdu Branch
Article ID: 2330
Keywords: Informationization, Construction engineering, Information management, Engineering management


With the development of society, modern information technology is gradually improved, and now it is widely used in various industries. As one of the industries widely concerned by society, the trends and trends of the construction industry have been widely discussed by the community. The integration of information technology into the management of construction projects can not only accelerate the progress of construction projects, but also ensure the normal operation of the construction process through scientific and effective management of the project. Although China’s information technology management technology has been improved a lot, but the mutual integration with the construction project, still need to spend a long period of friction.
How to Cite
Song, Y. (2021). Discussion about the Application of Information Technology in Construction Project Management. Learning & Education, 10(2), 198-201. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i2.2330


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