Construction of Learning Community of College English Listening Course under Internet Environment

  • Ziwei Fu Gongqing College of Nanchang University
  • Fangyuan Li Gongqing College of Nanchang University
Article ID: 2321
Keywords: Internet , Learning community, College English Listening Course


With the development of society, learning community have become an important concept in the field of education and a new way of learning. In the Internet + , the reform of English listening course in university have also taken a new direction. This paper discussion based on the current situation of university English listening course and the significance of building a learning community, and then discuss the teaching method and strategy of university English listening course based on learning community in the Internet +.
How to Cite
Fu, Z., & Li, F. (2021). Construction of Learning Community of College English Listening Course under Internet Environment. Learning & Education, 10(2), 164-167.


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