The Introduction of Modern Apprenticeship in the Reform of Undergraduate Legal Education

  • Zhigang He School of Marxism Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
Article ID: 2318
Keywords: Undergraduate legal education, Law practice teaching, Modern Apprenticeship, University-enterprise cooperation


Legal professional talents should have a strong legal knowledge and the ability to deal with legal affairs, but in our country’s past undergraduate law teaching is basically used in the college teaching method, this model is difficult to cultivate a compound, applied legal talents. In order to improve this phenomenon, the concept of law apprenticeship teaching was put forward. This teaching mode not only pays attention to the teaching of law theory but also pays attention to the teaching of law practice, so that students can not only learn the systematic knowledge of law theory, but also participate in the specific legal cases and follow the master to conduct practical learning. The premise of modern apprenticeship system is that the school and the legal department need to establish deep cooperation, and at the same time to cooperate with the reform of the school hours, the reform of the school length and the reform of the curriculum, and should further improve the evaluation system of law teaching.
How to Cite
He, Z. (2021). The Introduction of Modern Apprenticeship in the Reform of Undergraduate Legal Education. Learning & Education, 10(2), 158-159.


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