Forecasting the Impact of the Results of the U.S. Election in 2020 on China’s Economy based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

  • Xiaodie Zhuang School of Science, North China University of Technology
  • Zehao Guo School of Science, North China University of Technology
  • Longfei Wang School of Science, North China University of Technology
Article ID: 2313
Keywords: Curve Fit Hierarchical Analysis Economic Impact


This paper mainly studies and analyzes the impact of the U.S. presidential election on China’s economy. Through the different policies of finance and trade, measures to combat new crown pneumonia, infrastructure taxation, environmental protection, employment and other policies after the election of different candidates, the data curve is fitted and analyzed. A forecast model has been established, the idea of hierarchical analysis of the forecast model has been applied, and the economic impact that different candidates may have on China at this stage and in the next ten years has been further analyzed. Hierarchical analysis[1] applies not only to situations where uncertainty and subjective information exist, but also to the logical use of experience, insight, and intuition.
How to Cite
Zhuang, X., Guo, Z., & Wang, L. (2021). Forecasting the Impact of the Results of the U.S. Election in 2020 on China’s Economy based on Analytic Hierarchy Process. Learning & Education, 10(2), 148-149.


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