Is Planning a Technical or Political Activity? Discuss in Relation to the History of Planning Theory and Practice

  • Qiong Zhang Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd.
Article ID: 2306
Keywords: Qolitical activity, Technical activity, Urban and regional planning, Physical planning, Advocacy planning, Rationalism planning, Collaborative planning


In the field of urban and regional planning, planning plays different roles in different times, it has become a controversial topic that planning is a technical activity or political activity. The objective of this study is to discuss a detailed understanding of the related theories and show the changing process of the position planning as a political activity, rather than a simply technical activity with the development of urban planning, and the results showed the relationship between technical activity and political activity in urban and regioanl planning.
How to Cite
Zhang, Q. (2021). Is Planning a Technical or Political Activity? Discuss in Relation to the History of Planning Theory and Practice. Learning & Education, 10(2), 134-135.


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