Difference of Chinese and Japanese Habits in Pre-trip Education to Japan

  • Qingyun Ren Shandong Jiaotong University
Article ID: 2297
Keywords: Travel to Japan, Pre-trip education, Habit difference


With the increasing number of Chinese tourists to Japan, some uncivilized phenomena also occurs frequently, which affects the spread of China’s international image. This paper analyzes the causes of uncivilized phenomenon from the differences between Chinese and Japanese habits. It is believed that some differences are caused by factors such as culture, environment and economic development level of both sides, while some differences themselves are caused by misunderstanding. One of the effective ways to solve the uncivilized phenomenon is to correctly understand the differences and do a good job in pre trip education.
How to Cite
Ren, Q. (2021). Difference of Chinese and Japanese Habits in Pre-trip Education to Japan. Learning & Education, 10(2), 116-117. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i2.2297


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